"It's Ok to Not Be OK" Eleanor Clarke National Director South


As we head into the festive season, for so many of us this is such an exciting time as we come together and celebrate in our different ways.

For some of us, however, this is going to be a particularly difficult time. At Rainbows, our thoughts lie with those who are struggling to deal with a bereavement or any other type of significant loss, when the rest of the world seems to be embracing a festive period.

Feelings at times like this can be particularly intense, which I remember well as a young widow many years ago. I remain so grateful to those who gave me permission to ‘not be okay’ during this time and the option to ‘not’ take part in the festivities around me.

Part of the Rainbows philosophy is to say it is ‘okay to not be okay’ and as the statistics tell us that 1 in 29 children and young people have experienced the death of a parent or sibling, we salute all of those schools who will be working hard to let their children feel okay whatever they are feeling at this time of the year.
